A. Write the place value for each underlined digit.
1. 128 =
11. 3 421 =
2. 523 =
12. 9 636 =
3. 3 456 =
13. 67 890 =
4. 5 7891 =
14. 43 247 =
5. 768 =
15. 8 764 =
6. 69 =
16. 34 689 =
7. 4 568 =
17. 3 412 =
8. 176 534 =
18. 8 4785 =
9. 24 9847 =
19. 129 873 =
10. 72 6312 =
20. 22 546 =
B. Write the digit value of the underline digit.
1. 3 421 =
11. 28 =
2. 19636 =
12. 523 =
3. 67 890 =
13. 113 456 =
4. 143 247 =
14. 45 7891 =
5. 8 764 =
15. 768 =
6. 234 689 =
16. 269 =
7. 43 412 =
17. 4 568 =
8. 284 785 =
18. 76 534 =
9. 329 873 =
19. 49 847 =
10. 22 546 =
20. 76 312 =
C. Partition the following numbers.
a) 163 815 = 100 000 + 60 000 + 3000 + 800 + 10 + 5
= 1 hundred thousands + 6 ten thousands + 3 thousands + 8 hundreds + 1 tens+ 5 ones.
1. 152 356 =
| |
2. 312 345 =
| |
3. 256 789 =
| |
4. 445 692 =
| |
5. 138 753 =
| |
6. 35 678 =
| |
7. 134 569 =
| |
8. 13 789 =
| |
9. 257 982 =
| |
10. 213 456 =
| |
E. Write the following values.
1. 5 thousands , 3 hundreds , 3 tens , 4 ones = ___________
2. 3 ten thousands, 4 thousands , 5 hundreds , 2 tens , 7 ones = ___________
3. 4 thousands , 5 hundreds, 8 tens , 6 ones. = ___________
4. 6 ten thousands, 7 thousands , 3 hundreds , 5 tens , 2 ones = ___________
5. 3 thousands , 8 hundreds , 7 tens , 8 ones. = ___________
6. 4 hundreds , 6 tens , 8 ones = ___________
7. 9 hundreds , 7 tens , 5 ones = ___________
8. 100 000 + 80 000 + 4000 = ____________
9. 40 000 + 8000 + 90 + 5 = ____________
10. 7000 + 600 + 50 + 3 = ____________
F. Write the following numbers in words.
1. 456
| |
2. 17 843
| |
3. 16 549
| |
4. 1348
| |
5. 175 243
| |
6. 343 721
| |
7. 268 756
| |
8. 2347
| |
9. 46 742
| |
10. 167 825
| |
G. Write the following words in figures.
1. Four hundred and thirty-five = _______________
2. 0ne hundred three thousand seven hundred and forty-three = ________________
3. Ten thousand six hundred and four = ________________
4. Two hundred twenty-five thousand two hundred and eighty-three = ____________
5. One thousand eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-six = _______________
6. Thirty eight thousand four hundred and sixty = _________________
7. Eight hundred and fifty-seven = __________________
8. Nine thousand one hundred and twelve = _________________
9. Forty-six thousand five hundred and eighty-six = _________________
10. Seven thousand three hundred and fifty-one = _________________
11. One thousand three hundred ninety-five. = _________________
12. Sixty-five thousand two hundred and seven. = __________________
H. Round off the following numbers to the nearest tens.
1. 453 =
2. 1 234 =
3. 789 =
4. 1 367 =
5. 23 876 =
6. 67 234 =
7. 432 =
8. 567 =
9. 3 564 =
10. 7 865 =
11. 123 456 =
12. 276 589 =
13. 251 232 =
14. 112 321 =
I. Round off the following numbers to the nearest hundreds.
1. 453 =
2. 231 234 =
3. 789 =
4. 21 367 =
5. 23 876 =
6. 67 234 =
7. 432 =
8. 567 =
9. 3 564 =
10. 7 865 =
11. 23 456 =
12. 76 589 =
13. 51 232 =
14. 12 32 =
15. 122 334 =
J. Round off the following numbers to the nearest thousands.
1. 14 538 =
2. 1 234 =
3. 7 894 =
4. 1 367 =
5. 23 876 =
6. 67 234 =
7. 4 326 =
8. 5 675 =
9. 3 564 =
10. 7 865 =
11. 123 456 =
12. 176 589 =
13. 251 232 =
14. 212 321 =
1. Underline the number that can be rounded off to 54660
54689 , 54659, 54664.
2. Underline the number that can be rounded off to 3500.
3476 , 3510, 3428.
3. Underline the number that can be rounded off to 43740
43731, 43742, 43736
4. Underline the number that can be rounded off to 23400
23410 , 23480 , 23375
5. Underline the number that can be rounded off to 5670
5676 , 5671, 5667.
6. Underline the number that can be rounded off to 89700.
89661, 89712, 88887.
7. 38636 is 38640 when rounded off to the nearest ______________________.
8. 67841 is 67800 when rounded off to the nearest ______________________.
9. 78352 is 78000 when rounded off to the nearest _______________________.
10. 7892 is 7900 when rounded off to the nearest ________________________.